dinsdag 23 juni 2009

to buy or not to buy ?

i'm trying to figure out,
after trying every cheap foundation, concealer,

wich one should i buy ? :s

i don't know, it can cost like about 10-18 euros
hmm, and wouldn't i be better of with like a great concealer,
in stead of foundation, because i want to look very natural ? and i just dont like the idea of a lot of make up laying on my face.

* biotherm - forget it http://www.biotherm-usa.com/img/db/Packshots/035163_L.jpg
* maybelline - non stop concealer http://www.maybelline.nl/producten/face/l29l51l472l473l474.htm
* gosh - i actually used this one before, but my skin was in so bad shape, it didn't do any good, but it did light up the bit under my eyes http://www.gosh.dk/Default.html#/Default.aspx?ID=30&ProductID=cosfac09

suggestions ? give them please :D

i'm also buying pastel pink nailpolish i think and a new lipbalm passionfruit pack.

and what are your newest beauty buys ?

don't you think that beauty stuff makes you feel a lot better ?

anyhow :)
more update on my goals, soon !


meet me on the sunny road...

copyright artwork LENKA K.

i do love fashion,
i just won't dedicated my life to it, like my friend.
it's like were in a constant battle to find the nicest clothes,
and i kinda gave up, the past year
i'm making up for it, forgetting our competition
and i'm searching for my own style.

hello world ! 68 days list !

little introduction needed ?

well hello thereeee ! I'm Sia, yes that's right like the singer. Phoeh, not that i don't like her, but still stop comparing me with her :)

i'm sixteen and going through all the hard struggles life brings me now ! ( weep quietly :p ) i'm from france by the waaaaaay ! but i speak dutch too, i lived in belguim too :)

i say hello world, but starting a blog doesn't make you magicly have a lot of readers !

i'm made out of steel ! i've been through a lot. i lost my mother to cancer when i was eight, but that , i'm used to now. it's more the fact that my dad can't be the dad others have, because there is so mutch pressure.

but i'm not a pessimistic person !

and if your wondering already ; no i'm not thàt stereotyp, cliché girl "who loves shopping and like euhm euhm euhm."

i hate people like thaaaaaaaaaaat !

but anyhow, at this age you now what it's all about, sadly.
yes it is. thàt's what it is about.
my appearance is average now.
but i'm taking all my knowledge and using it for myself !
i have told my friends what to buy, how to do their hair, with the result of them being very pretty, and me: average.

so now it's my turn,
are you in ?
are you willing to reach YOUR goals, you always wanted to reach but where to lazy to do it ?

come on :D
i'll give you an daily update on wath i reached, and some of my inspiration.

my goal list ! must have reached it in 68 days !
* i want to lose 19 pounds ! that sounds a lot, but it's a bout 8, 6 kilos and that's a goal i will achieve !
* i want to use all my fashoinsense to create my own style (now it's just too casual :s)
* i want to feel better of myself !
* i want to have a better skin, and better hair, maby a new haircut ?

all these things are very supperfacial, but hey ! i've learned a lot, and i have lost all my friends once, and now i've build myself up, and i have a great large bunch of true friends,
so on the inside, i'm oke !

wish me luck !
and i hope i'll stimulate you to do the same as me :D

tip of the day !
are you feeling blue,
ndtitanlady will do,
she's a videoblogger-comedian kinda,
i love her stuff ! http://ndtitanlady.devhub.com/